Beginner Class

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Lift & Tone Full Face

Virtual Class Virtual Class

I invite you to master a combination of Face Yoga and Facial Massage for an allover toned and lifted face.

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Quick Morning Routine

Virtual Class Virtual Class

Mornings are also busy for everyone. Take this quick 15min class to wake up and get yourself excited for what the day has to bring!

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Relaxed Shoulders for a Smooth Neck

Virtual Class Virtual Class

Release tension from your shoulders to elongate your neck. The result? Join this class and see for yourself!

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Do you want to rejoin Sucess Path?


You will lose these benefits when you complete certain levels by following the Success Path:

  • Newbie Reward: Fumiko Lifestyle Class
  • Starter Reward: 10x Aging Habits Results
  • Explorer Reward: 10% Discount Skin Care
  • Enthusiast Reward: 15-Minute Call with Certified Face Yoga Method Coach
  • Master Reward: 15-Minute Call With Fumiko

This option is only for advanced Face Yogis.

Are you sure you want to opt out?